Lifetime Membership

Club Charter

  1. Benefits of Membership
  2. You became a Part Owner in the Club
  3. Free Hat of the Club (Shipped to Your Address)
  4. Automatic Discount on Merchandise

Preamble for the Charter of

Develop a community of like minded college football enthusiasts who feel strongly that there should be a Super 64 conference of the best major college football teams.

Organization Officers

Club Manager David Nicholas

Assistant Club Manager Shua Nicholas

Treasurer David Nicholas

Communications Manager David Nicholas

Membership Committee

David Nicholas permanent

Shua Nicholas permanent

As new members join the club there will be 8 rotating members who will serve on a 60 day basis

Will regularly and consistently try to recruit new members to join the club. Each and every new member will attempt to recruit new members.

Terms of Office

David Nicholas Lifetime

Shua Nicholas Lifetime

Meeting Schedule

Monthly on the last Thursday of every month at 7 PM Central time


The club requires a minimum of 16 members to be held. On each last Thursday of every month a head count will be held promptly at 7:05 PM Central Time. If there is not at least 8 members present the meeting will not be held.

Until there are at least 8 members no meetings are required to be held.


A minimum of 8 members must be present in order for an official meeting to be held. When club business is voted on, a minimum of 75% of present members must vote in the affirmative for a motion to be valid.

Rules of Order

All meetings will operate under this set of rules.

Club Manager will open the meeting in prayer.

Club Manager will greet and welcome all new members.

Assistant Club Manager will summarize orders of business from the previous meeting.

Rotating Member will announce any new orders of business.

Members will have an open discussion about any new orders of business.

Club Manager will hold any needed votes.

Club Manager will close the meeting in prayer.

Charter Amendments

Any amendment to the charter can only be accomplished by 75% of the present members voting for an amendme

Regular Membership

Club Charter

  1. Benefits of Membership
  2. Automatic Discount on Merchandise

Preamble for the Charter of

Develop a community of like minded college football enthusiasts who feel strongly that there should be a Super 64 conference of the best major college football teams.

Organization Officers

Club Manager David Nicholas

Assistant Club Manager Shua Nicholas

Treasurer David Nicholas

Communications Manager David Nicholas

Membership Committee

David Nicholas permanent

Shua Nicholas permanent

As new members join the club there will be 8 rotating members who will serve on a 60 day basis

Will regularly and consistently try to recruit new members to join the club. Each and every new member will attempt to recruit new members.

Terms of Office

David Nicholas Lifetime

Shua Nicholas Lifetime

Meeting Schedule

Monthly on the last Thursday of every month at 7 PM Central time


The club requires a minimum of 16 members to be held. On each last Thursday of every month a head count will be held promptly at 7:05 PM Central Time. If there is not at least 8 members present the meeting will not be held.

Until there are at least 8 members no meetings are required to be held.


A minimum of 8 members must be present in order for an official meeting to be held. When club business is voted on, a minimum of 75% of present members must vote in the affirmative for a motion to be valid.

Rules of Order

All meetings will operate under this set of rules.

Club Manager will open the meeting in prayer.

Club Manager will greet and welcome all new members.

Assistant Club Manager will summarize orders of business from the previous meeting.

Rotating Member will announce any new orders of business.

Members will have an open discussion about any new orders of business.

Club Manager will hold any needed votes.

Club Manager will close the meeting in prayer.

Charter Amendments

Any amendment to the charter can only be accomplished by 75% of the present members voting for an amendme